Thursday, April 30, 2009


A couple days ago I volunteered to drive my pastor's wife to the airport in Omaha at 3:30 in the morning.  It's not a long drive, and the round trip usually ends up being somewhere around 2 hours.  But this morning there was an ungodly amount of fog everywhere.  Driving there was worse because it was dark, and there wasn't much traffic.  But as I explained to Karen, I love driving early in the morning - I don't care where I am or what it's like (as long as it's not blizzarding, hailing, or pouring rain), I love driving in the early morning.  I love being awake early in the morning.  
On my way back to Lincoln, it began to get brighter, and something magnificent happened to the fog.  It became the same color as the sky (which, I suppose, isn't really that amazing).  The reason it looked so cool was because I was suddenly surrounded by blue everywhere - in every direction.  It was like driving through the ocean - with slight traffic and some construction.  Seriously.  It was really cool.
I think the most tragic part of my sleeping difficulties is that I am never waking up in the morning.  If I see the sunrise, it's usually because someone has dragged me out of bed or because I haven't gone to sleep.  This morning it was because I hadn't slept.  It wasn't a huge sacrifice to drive Karen to the airport in the middle of the night/early morning.  The real problem was an appointment I spaced at 10 AM, so there was little chance I'd make it if I slept.  So, here I am, blogging (and probably not doing a very good job of it) at 6:30 in the morning.  But, I'm not really complaining, because this is probably the only morning I'll see for a while...

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